Scallywags Children's Nursery is a preschool based in Staines within the grounds of Buckland Primary School.
We offer term time sessions to children aged 2 to year before starting school.
AM 8:30 - 11:45*
PM 12:00 - 15:15*
*times vary dependant on funding eligibility
All day sessions available
We accept all types of funding, childcare vouchers and tax credits.
As well as FEET, 15, 30 hours and EYPP.
Our Aim: To provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment To work within a framework which ensures equality of opportunity for all children and families.
We offer your child: A specially tailored curriculum leading to approved learning outcomes.
Individual care and attention made possible by a high ratio of adults to children.
Fun and friendship with children and other adults.
The support of a personal keyworker.
Opportunities for you and your family to be directly involved, in the activities of the group and in your own childs progress.